Honey, you are home so early, why? You have been dumped? Oh dear, that is terrible. Honey, I am so sorry. Tonight was supposed to be special for you. No need to be shy, I know what guys and girls get up to on their prom night. I was your age once you know! Honey, I love you and I want you to be as happy as you possibly can. I know what we can do, I can give you a special night. That is right honey, I will give you what you had hoped your girlfriend would. Honey, let me take your virginity. Just one thing darling, ever since your father left, I have not needed to use birth control. I am still fertile, so whatever you do, please, do not cum inside of me. I would be devastated if I became pregnant with your baby.
File Size : 743.66 MB, Resolution : 1920×1080, Duration : 00:16:57